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Growth Strategy for the Metal Fabrication Industry and Associated Value Chains
of Metal Fabrication
Work Groups are sub-committees established in terms of the NAMF Constitution to deliberate on and advice the Management Committee on service delivery and representation (advocacy) in designated interests areas of the industry. It comprises of 3-4 members of metal fabrication industry stakeholders, and is convened quarterly by the designated Chairperson. The Work Groups will be assisted by the Industry Growth Facilitator, Mr. Sam Geiseb in the execution of this responsibility.
Terms of Reference - this Work Group is responsible for examining the local and prioritized export market environment, e.g. SACU and SADC, and proposing interventions for the improvement in market access opportunities for the metal fabrication industry. It is also there to deliberate and advice on broad strategies for the promotion of metal fabrication products and services in national and regional markets. Furthermore the Work Group is responsible ,under the growth strategy implementation, for prioritized projects (Annual Operational Plan 2018) inclusive of:
• Investigation of options for establishing a cost-effective buying house (implement if viable).Terms of reference – this Work Group is responsible for interrogating government services and incentives for the industry for its relevance, effectiveness and accessibility and to propose appropriate interventions for its improvement. Furthermore, the Work Group is expected to advocate for catalytic facilities to support industry growth and expansion. The Work Group , under the growth strategy implementation, is also responsible for prioritized projects (Annual Operational Plan 2018) inclusive of:
• Establishment of the viability of secondary processing stage (feasibility studies for decoiling, advance cutting facilities and galvanization plants).
Terms of reference – this Work Group is responsible for mobilizing industry inputs towards the development of metal fabrication quality standards for prioritized industry products and services.
Furthermore the Work Group is responsible under the growth strategy implementation for prioritized projects (Annual Operational Plan 2018) inclusive of:
• Development of national quality standards and certification requirements for the metal fabrication industry.
Members - Mitiri Tjazamo (Ondjou Investments cc),
Convener: Mr. Tjazamo at +264812346946 or
Sam Geiseb (IGF) at +264813659122.
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